Tag Archives: Training

Tips For Natural Horse Training

Often people are under the misinterpretation that you simply need to control the head in order to control the horse. This is why you need to use a lead rope or bridle in order to teach a horse how to stop and start. However, do you know how you can control a horse if you don’t have a lead rope or bridle? If you have ever spent time chasing a horse around a pasture you have likely wondered this.

You can learn to control you horses mind through a process known as natural horse training. If you control a horses mind there will be no worry about losing control no matter what situation you are in with the horse. Natural training is a specific discipline that has to be done properly in order to achieve success.

When you use the term discipline for natural horse training it is important to realize this doesn’t mean obedience or punishment, but rather means you are focusing on calm compliance from the horse. In order to have a horse that is a good follower you need a trainer that has good discipline and self-control. This way the horse will be able to willingly follow you lead.

To have this done successfully natural horse training requires trainers to focus on developing a pattern and providing the horse with a safe and comfortable environment. This description makes natural training seem easy, but it is actually difficult to become successful with this horse training method.

The first step in this horse training method is to get your horse to pay attention to you. To do this you also need to pay complete attention to your horse and what they do without allowing distractions to get in the way.

Make sure you place yourself in a place where you are able to focus and concentrate. If it isn’t possible to do this for long periods then you should start in small durations of at least ten minutes and then increase the length of time.

It is important to focus on your horse and the feedback they provide. What signals are the ears and eyes sending you? What does their breathing tell you? How is the horse reacting and how does this compare to other times? This will help you to determine what triggers your horse to pay attention to you so you can get them to focus on you and do what you want willingly.

Relaxation and rhythm are the two keys to natural horse training. The moment you go near the horse you need to make sure, you are making rhythmic movements. Even as you approach the stall, you should have relaxed movements. You should also pay careful attention to your breathing. Your horse is going to be carefully watching your actions and if you are tense, they can sense it. This is why relaxation and rhythm are vital should something unusual or unplanned happen later.

When you use these two simple steps, you can start having success with natural horse training. Although you shouldn’t become discouraged if things don’t go well on the first day or week of training. It can sometimes take several months before horses can learn to use a non-predatory system of learning. While the name is natural horse training this doesn’t mean it happens naturally for all trainers and horses.

When Should You Start Potty Training Your Puppy?

Potty training your puppy immediately after you bring them home, is the best way to ensure success. Typically, between the age of 3 to 3 1/2 weeks is the right time to begin working on puppy potty training due to the increase in mobility, and they begin to use the bathroom on their own without stimulation from the mother, but it’s not usually something a breeder will work on so it will be up to you.

If you are lucky enough to get a puppy from a breeder who did begin the training with your puppy, then finishing the job will be a much simpler endeavor. If you start training them when they are very young, they become aware that their fluids are disliked. Because of this dislike, they won’t want to pee or poop where they sleep or in their immediate living space, which makes it easier to train them.

Unfortunately, this early potty training is not that common among puppies. Part of this could be that owners don’t typically bring a puppy home until they are around 6 to 8 weeks of age. If the breeder was not concerned about training the puppies, your new addition may have developed bad habits and not realize that their fluids are unwanted, making them harder to potty train. Your potty training of your new puppy will go much smoother if your new puppy has had even the smallest amount of training.

Basically, you should start with the potty training the moment you arrive home with your new pup. Of course being in a new environment can be intimidating to a new puppy, and you don’t want to frighten them by reacting harshly if they potty in an unacceptable area, so it’s best to show them right from the start teaching them the place that is acceptable for them to go potty. Training them in this manner will serve two purposes.

First, it is clear from the beginning that there are designated areas for using the bathroom. Like children, puppies need repetition in order to grasp such concepts. Also, if you simply permit your new puppy to go anywhere then you are reinforcing bad habits and unwanted behavior. Of course this will then turn into a number of other issues that you will have to deal with down the road.

Teaching a puppy where not to go right from the start is without a doubt the best tactic for potty training, stopping any bad behavior right off the rip will help enforce the correct places for them to do their business. To avoid confusion, use the same approach throughout the potty training process. In order to train dogs, you but be consistent and repetitive. After you have chosen a potty training method, continue using that same method throughout the training process.

The potty training process can take a good bit of time, and much of this depends on how many bad behaviors he or she may already have, and whether or not the puppy was worked with before you brought it home. This is the reason it is imperative to begin training your puppy as soon as you can. By doing this, you should have a much less difficult time with potty training your puppies, and hopefully complete this task in a shorter amount of time.